
Liberals misleading public with 'assault-style' firearms

The latest gun control statements from the federal minister investigating ways to curb organized crime are nothing more than “political rhetoric designed to install fear in urban Canadians,” says Calgary criminal lawyer Greg Dunn.

Can I Avoid a Criminal Record?

If you have been accused of a crime, a criminal record is a possibility. While criminal records are not publicly viewable, they can have negative effects on your future. You may be barred from traveling to certain countries, depending on the outcome of your criminal case.

Which Criminal Lawyer Will Best Defend Me?

If you are charged with a criminal offence under Canada's Criminal Code or Calgary's local and provincial laws, quality legal representation is incredibly important. What happens during your case can affect your life for years to come.

Theft under $5000 & Charges

What to Do When Charged with Theft Under $5000 in Calgary, Alberta. Charges of this sort of theft are common; roughly 50,00 people in Canada are charged with theft under $5000 each year.

What is the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder?

Crimes that involve the deliberate taking of another human life are some of the most serious criminal charges under Canada's Criminal Code. While Canada does not have a death penalty, long prison terms, including consecutive terms, can result from murder convictions in Canada. However, not all murder charges are the same. 

Be Aware – New Disclosure Process

Until January 4th, 2017, the Crown’s office would provide lawyers and Defendants with a physical copy of the disclosure. Meaning that officer’s notes and reports would be provided on paper and media (video, 911 calls, audio recordings, etc.) would be provided on compact discs, USB keys or hard drives. However, as of January 4th, 2017...

What is an Indictable Offence?

Canada's Criminal Code divides offences into three categories: indictable offences, summary conviction offences and hybrid offences which can be handled through either summary conviction or indictment. Typically, the more serious an offence is, the more likely it is to be categorized as an indictable offence.

What is a Summary Conviction Offence?

Summary conviction offences are those offences that are considered less serious than indictable offences. They are punishable by lower fines and shorter prison sentences.

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