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Viewing Publications Tagged "Gun Offences"

Understand your legal responsibilities before hunting in Alberta

Hunting is an integral part of Alberta’s heritage and way of life.

However, the laws governing this activity can be confusing, especially to those new to the sport. The uninitiated may take down a prohibited animal or be found hunting in a non-designated area. Both actions could result in charges.

Alberta Firearms Act is what the province needs

Bill 8, the Alberta Firearms Act, took effect when it received royal assent on March 28, 2023. After years of attacks by Ottawa on law-abiding gun owners, the Act gives Alberta the tools it needs to regulate and administer firearms.

Understanding weapons offences in Canada

When people think of weapons, guns or knives often come to mind. But anything that can inflict harm can be considered a weapon, including a frying pan, a flower pot or a baseball bat.

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