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Viewing Publications Tagged "Criminal Justice"

An extortion attempt can result in a life sentence

Extortion is defined in the Criminal Code as using “threats, accusations, menaces or violence” to force someone else to do something. The demand is usually to pay money, though sexual favours, promises or tangible property can also be demanded.

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied, COVID or Not

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt court operations across Alberta, those accused of criminal charges are the most affected. I have clients who have seen their cases presumptively adjourned three or four times. That is simply not fair.

What is White-Collar Crime in Alberta?

If you've been accused of what is known as a white-collar crime, it is important that you have experienced litigators at your side so you can avoid liability and protect your business reputation. 

Rebuild ASIRT to serve Albertans better

Susan Hughson's resignation as the head of the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has sent ripples across the province's justice system. 

Don’t Use COVID As an Excuse to Limit Jury Pools

The health of jurors and other members of the court should always be a priority, but so should the desire to have an impartial jury pool from which to select those who will sit in judgment.

The effect of the pandemic on crime in Alberta

Police-reported crime in Canada dipped by eight per cent in the first year of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Alberta topped the country, along with Prince Edward Island, with an 11 per cent decrease in the Crime Severity Index (CSI).

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